Building Communities Less Dependent on the Car

Much industrial land in Intown Atlanta is currently being converted to multi-unit residential. Although Atlantic Station has grabbed Atlanta's spotlight for being a converted steel mill property, there are several smaller tracts that are turning residential. The pictured construction is along the planned Beltline. You can see the vine-covered abandoned rail running from bottom center upward to the right which is planned to become an alternative transportation corridor.
I don't know if this property is billed as less car-intensive, but it's close to downtown, and close to the PATH Foundation's Freedom Park Trail (I'm standing on the trail to take these photos). Restaurants are a short stroll away and you're within a couple of miles of most things you would shop for.
Many residents of single-family housing fear the number of cars higher-density might bring, but our mass transit needs this density to work efficiently. We're moving over the hump with this new development.
I was also standing on the trail to take this photo alongside Candler Park Golf Course's 9th tee box.

Commute Summary
Round Trip Distance: 17.9
Number of Cyclists seen: 19
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: Beautiful Morning, Warm and Hazy afternoon
Labels: beltline, citycycling, counting-cyclists, panorama
Wow ... those are some wild apartments.
I love these photos. I ended up getting a camera for rides; it doesn't have a stitch assist feature, but I think I'll see if I can do it without with some third-party software. Thanks for posting these photos, they're really cool and reminded me to try it :)
I talked to #2 son today. He said that I have been to Atlanta Intown Cycling a couple of times. Are you affilitated with them?
Midnight Rider, there are a couple of local bike shops with similar names Intown Bicycles and Atlanta Cycling. I frequent both of these.
Atlanta Intown Cycling is the name of my blog. There is no business associated with the blog.
I stand corrected. Actually I don't even remember visiting a bike shop. He did say it was across from the major park that is in the city.
I did eat at Falalfel King though.
Intown Bikes is across from Piedmont Park, Atlanta's most visited park. I ride through Piedmont Park on my direct route.
Falafel King is in Emory Village; I pass it on my Emory route.
About that rev's free kick.
Second Serve.
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