Friday, April 27, 2007

Talking about Cycling

Noah recently posted in his blog KC Bike Commuting about a public debate concerning bike lanes. He summarized a number of impassioned points showing a range of emotional reactions to carving out some space for cyclists, and then provided his rebuttal for each.

These are opportunities for Talking about Cycling.

The underdog does not hope for victory because this is not a single skirmish that is won or lost. It is the much slower and less visible process of changing the way people think. Little by little, the good information seeps into the minds of individuals, and one-by-one, minds drift toward a more sympathetic point of view.

It's slow and often it is hard to see progress (that's why I celebrate the number of cyclists I'm seeing), but it is worth the effort.

Of course, riding our bikes and being the change that we want to see in the world is honest advocacy. A willingness to respectfully and cheerfully share our point of view carries that advocacy further.



At 4/27/07, 10:12 PM, Blogger amidnightrider said...

I got your note. We have not been swimming upstream. There are lots of us around.
Here is a little something you may like. The last one was recently on CNN and other news outlets. Except Fox of course.

At 4/28/07, 5:50 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Hey Midnight Rider, can we continue the "Mission Accomplished" thread on the post that initiated the topic? This makes it easier to follow the thread..

At 4/30/07, 11:38 AM, Blogger Apertome said...

It's sad to see how ignorant some people can be, but it's also great to see someone attempting to change that. Thanks for the heads up.


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