Commuter Survey develops another Hyphothesis
When counting the cyclists during my commute, I sometimes get the opportunity to chat with my fellow commuters and ask about their ride. Destination is often a topic of conversation, and many of the commuters teach at either Georgia Tech or Emory. Since my routes lie with 2-3 miles of either campus, this probably should be expected.
What I'm finding interesting is how many of these professors teach Math. I haven't been counting this, but I ran into two Math professors today, neither of which I had seen before today.
Now, for most folks, this could exceed the level of boredom obtained by counting the number of truck commercials during a televised sporting event, but I'm running along at a scientific level of interest.
Commute Summary
Round Trip Distance: 17.7
Number of Cyclists seen: 18
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: Sunny, mild and stiff wind out of the west.
Not sure if the dip in numbers could be explained by the slightly cooler weather today or if everyone is saving up for tonight's CM ride.
Labels: bike-commuting, counting-cyclists
I think you live very close to my #2 son. He is also close to Emory and lives here
Yes, we are within 3 miles of each other. When I take my bike to the grocery store (Sage Hill Kroger) I head in his direction. He will probably know about the hill on Clifton Road I recently posted about. This hill would be on his most direct path to Emory if he were to go over there.
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