Courteous Mass Lifting
photo courtesy of Courteous Mass Atlanta (on Facebook)
January's Courteous Mass in Atlanta raised the bar by raising bicycles. The bike lift is a celebration of cycling that originated with Critical Mass as part of corking intersections. Since Courteous Mass doesn't cork intersections, if we didn't want to be left out of the fun, we had to come up with a Courteous Bike Lift. For this, we found a few spots out of the way of traffic where we could lift our bikes in mass. This photo was taken on the southeast corner of the 5th Street Bridge on Georgia Tech's campus.
As Dr. Drago puts it, "To complement the ride's cardio-vascular conditioning, the Courteous Bike Lift develops upper-body strength."
Courteous Mass Atlanta has a Facebook group. Announcements of future rides and reviews of past rides can be found here. All are welcome to join and to invite others.
Ride Summary
Round Trip Distance: About 7 miles
Number of Cyclists seen: more than 40 rode in our group and we spotted several others.
Route: Centennial Park, Georgia Tech, Colony Square, Krispy Kreme, Peachtree
Weather: Dry, clear and mild
Labels: courteous, family-cycling, fun advocacy, night-ride
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