Saturday, November 22, 2008

Speed Vest Demo at Atlantic Station


A group of cyclists enjoyed a ride from Sopo Bike Co-op where the Atlanta Bicycle Campaign was handing out bicycle lights, over to Atlantic Station for the Tree Lighting and other events.

Along the way, we were treated to a demonstration of the Speed Vest by its inventor Brady Clark.

When we arrived at Atlantic Station we were greeted by ABC's Bike Valet (pictured above). It's a treat to receive special treatment because you've arrived on a bicycle.

We narrowly missed getting a local TV station to film a demonstration, but with video camera in hand, we captured a few shots:

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At 11/24/08, 9:14 AM, Blogger TSL said...

I am curious as to the temp that evening, I can't remember. I love the videos, and this entire blog is visually stimulating.

At 11/24/08, 5:14 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Hey Tina, we started in the mid-40s and dropped most of the way to freezing before the night was done. We recruited a few new night-cyclists despite the chill. The sights were beautiful with the air so clear, and of course cycling is a great way to be drinking it up.

At 11/24/08, 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vest looks great. It appears from the video that the vest over-estimates one's speed. What did you think about it's accuracy?

BTW... were you just carrying your DV, or did you mount it on something?

At 11/24/08, 9:14 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Like most speedometers, the wheel size should be factored in, but we didn't calibrate this prototype vest. However, no one was complaining that we didn't feel like we were going that fast ;).

I had attempted to get a helmet cam going, but for a couple of reasons found it easier to operate the camera by riding one-handed. (I missed capturing my crash on video. It wouldn't have done well on America's Funniest Videos anyway).

At 11/28/08, 9:49 PM, Blogger RC said...

Jett, thanks so much for taping this!


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