Monday, December 22, 2008

More Democracy in Action

You may have seen that Congress is considering an economic stimulus package that favors infrastructure improvements. Since Georgia's cycling infrastructure ranks 49th out of the 50 states, I think it is important to let our Congressman know the creation of jobs could scratch two different itches at the same time.

Here's the letter I sent today. You can send your letter to your congressman at this website published by the League of American Bicyclists.

Dear Congressman Lewis:

There are two issues for which I'm asking for your support and they both may be addressed by the current economic stimulus package being considered in Congress. First, on the minds of all US citizens is the need to create new jobs. I understand infrastructure projects are favored. I am supportive of putting money into our infrastructure in Georgia, but only if we fund appropriate infrastructure. Georgia ranks 49th out of 50 states in cycling infrastructure.

I urge you to support explicit funding for trails, walking and biking in the upcoming economic recovery package. Funding active transportation is a cost-effective investment that creates jobs and leads to healthier people, stronger communities, decreased oil dependency, and reduced climate change emissions.

Georgia in particular has great opportunity to take advantage of building cycling infrastructure: 1) reduce congestion in our cities, 2) improve the air quality that is challenged by our coal-burning power generation and above average automobile usage, 3) take advantage of the good weather afforded to those who use the outdoors, and 4) improve our health by getting more exercise.

To only support car-oriented infrastructure would lead us down the same path and failed strategy that has created our existing transportation problems.

I understand the stimulus package is primarily for job creation and is a further reason we should include funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects.

I also understand that the America Bikes Coalition has presented a list of hundreds of ready-to-go active transportation projects from communities across the country to the House leadership, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and the House Appropriations Committee.

These projects would create new jobs and revitalize communities by funding trails, bike lanes, sidewalks and other infrastructure.

This would meet the ultimate goal of the recovery package: creating immediate jobs. Additionally, such an investment strategy would provide both immediate economic benefits and lasting positive change.

Thank you in advance for your quick action in this matter.



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