Friday, August 22, 2008

Fay-driven headwind on the way home


When the headwinds get too strong to ride a bike, sometimes the thing to do is go fly a kite.

Tropical Storm Fay made my morning ride in easy, but was still blowing strong out of the east on the way home.

The spot photographed here is where the wind blows me around the most. The Freedom Park Trail crosses open fields at a good elevation. This spot is just east of the intersection of the Freedom Parkway and Moreland Avenue, north of Little Five Points and east of the Carter Center (all of these are great bike destinations).

Commute Summary

Round Trip Distance: 18.5
Number of Cyclists seen: 22
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH trail
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton and the Kroger
Weather: Kite weather; overcast but dry and WinnnnnDEE.
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At 8/25/08, 12:54 PM, Blogger AMIE said...

I hear ya! The wind all last week was killin me! This week looks like rain, rain, rain!

I was curious if you wear anything different or bring anything extra with you on days it calls for rain like this upcoming week. I've just been chancing it and wearing my normal commuting clothes since it's been so warm. I'm not exprienced in the rain so much.

At 8/25/08, 8:32 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Yes, my lawn is happy and I don't mind riding in the rain.

One of my first posts was about riding in the rain. I probably need to dust it off, but not much has changed in my approach to rain.

Rain or shine, I ride in comfortable clothes and bring a change of clothes. There are no showers, but I've found that showering just before I leave and then changing works well.

During the winter I wear a breathable jacket that sheds water well, but during the summer, I'm nearly as wet from sweating as I would be from rain.

Whether rain is forecast or not, I carry lots of plastic bags to wrap my backpack which is strapped onto the back rack. Inside the backpack I'll use another layer of plastic bag for my papers and electronics.

It's only a few times a year I get caught in anything too bad, but that's partly because I have flexibility in my schedule to wait out a passing storm. I can see approaching storms pretty well from my office window and the radar gives me a good idea of whether I can dodge a storm or not.


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