Monday, August 04, 2008

Air you can see


I'm such a sucker for sunbeams.

I took a slightly different route this morning that brought me past this wooded stretch of road. The sunbeams were irresistible.

Now, Atlanta isn't known for the best air. A million 30-mile automobile commutes each day will toss a few particles into the air, but most of the particles catching light in this photo are water droplets not yet burned off by the heat of the day. It's an otherwise invisible fog revealed by light and shade's contrast.

If you didn't grow up with this humidity, your body may take a while to adjust. My body likes the moisture almost as much as the trees do. The sunbeams allow me to visibly measure how much of this good thing I'm getting. The sunbeams are also showing you how happy the trees are.

I like smoky sunbeams too. Those have a pleasant smell, but on this morning, the moisture amplifies the smell of the few remaining plants that are blooming.

I hope I don't see any smoke-less sunbeams on dry days, but I'll probably still stop to take a picture.

Commute Summary

Round Trip Distance: 18.8
Number of Cyclists seen: 24
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH trail with extension over to University
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton with extension over to Sage Hill
Weather: Mild and moist on the way in; somewhat drier air, but still warm on the way home.
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At 8/5/08, 4:03 PM, Blogger Apertome said...

Cool photo. I love sunbeams like that, too, although I really don't care for the humidity. I can never seem to get used to it, and I've been dealing with it my whole life!


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