100% Natural
APPLING COUNTY, GA - BRAG offers many opportunities to experience the full force of nature. There's gravity, wind, and rain (also called uphill, headwind and soaked sleeping bag).
There's also the sun which can be experienced in a number of ways. It bakes our skin and raises rivulets of sweat. It dries out our riding clothes after laundering. And it produces some powerful images.

Ansley calls this one God Light. The rays of light splayed across our tent camp like a blessing.
This one I call "Take me to the River". All I have to do is look at this and I am breathing the moist air, absorbing the warmth of the sun's rays, and yearning to paddle amongst the cool shady spots.

Upon leaving Baxley, we soon crossed the Altamaha River. The main branch of the river had formed sand banks on the inside of the curves, but this lesser branch moved slow enough to appear like glass.
Beautiful photos. It's great to take the time to notice, document, and reflect on scenes such as these. Too many cyclists are in too much of a hurry and miss out on these moments.
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