Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Burrito


Haven't you heard about Irish Burritos? First, some background, even though it is almost entirely irrelevant.

This morning I joined the 6AM group that rides out of the Agnes Scott Arches. This group rides year-round with the goal of getting weekly miles before the start of the day. Getting out at 6AM usually gets a jump on the traffic, but for some reason, this morning everyone was out. There were a fair number of bike commuters, more cars than I expected, and hundreds of "boot camp" participants. OK, maybe only 200, but that's enough to pluralize 'hundred'. I'll chalk it up to the first day without rain out of the past four.

I might be hooked after the first ride. There's something awful nice about starting the day with a bike ride before the sun comes up. The company was good, and the route was pleasant, but finishing up a ride by 7:30AM makes me feel like I've gotten a jump on the day. I'm feeling good before the daily routine begins.

Riding before dawn is something we do on the Bike Ride Across Georgia too. Since BRAG is a bicycle vacation, the 6AM Arches ride feels like a vacation too.

I'll be back for another 6AM ride.

So, riding first thing in the morning makes me hungry all day long. The burrito with lettuce and avocado is green enough to qualify for a St. Patrick's Day burrito.

Other ingredients:
- Cream Cheese
- Gulden's Mustard
- Rice warmed up with Balsamic Vinegar salad dressing
- Fried Egg chopped up
- Romaine lettuce shredded
- Avocado
- Cottage Cheese

Ride Summary

Distance: 24.3
Ride Group: 6AM Agnes Scott Arches
Number of Cyclists seen: Lost count, but more than 10. Not bad since it was 5:35 AM when I got on the bike.
Weather: Moist from all the rain, but not wet. Shorts, jersey and a shell weather.
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At 3/17/09, 10:42 PM, Blogger BarryHall said...

Hey Jett:
How many days a week *is* that 6 a.m. ride?

Not that I'm all that likely to get up for it . . . but weirder things have happened.

Oh, and the burrito looks . . . oddly good.


At 3/18/09, 9:38 AM, Blogger Jett said...

There may be someone riding any day of the week, although Butch mentioned that the numbers go down once the afternoon rides start back up. If you're interested in riding, talk with Butch.

The burrito is definitely a keeper. I'll probably make another one today and the next day until I get tired of them.


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