Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Between the Lightning and the Tornado

As many of you know, I've trained as an engineer at one of the nation's finer institutions for higher learning. I fully appreciate and overwhelmingly prefer the astute analysis and logical reasoning that characterizes the engineering profession -- to the point I must hide my disdain of those less inclined -- and am most proud of my abilities in this regard. Despite my allegiance to science, rationality, and the mighty powers of the logical mind, I am also unabashedly appreciative when I get dumb-head lucky.

I rode home on my bicycle in the weather shown below without gathering the relevant data required for a rational or logical decision.

The redness underneath the word "Atlanta" had just passed over the route I had taken about 40 minutes prior. I must have ridden in the clear area that in this image is just underneath the last 'a' in 'Atlanta'. I was aware that the tornadoes were at least 8 miles away (red outline) and when I went outside to climb on the bike, I saw and understood the thunderstorms were headed eastward away from me (yellow outline), but the storm-lashing delivered upon my home's roof within minutes of my arrival embossed upon my memory an imprint that seemed thoroughly complete in its design to leave a lasting mark.

I was dumb-headed lucky. I barely got dampened.

Commute Summary

Round Trip Distance: 7 miles
Number of Cyclists seen: A Big Fat ZERO (everyone else must have been paying attention to the weather channel)
Weather: refer to the image above. (I'm not saying anything else.)



At 2/20/09, 10:37 AM, Blogger Evan said...

I took off from work early and made it home before the worst of the weather hit. I'll ride in rain but the hail and lightening are another thing. The last time I got caught in that kind of weather I spent a half an hour under an underpass.


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