Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Firewall Errand

My Firewall/Router has been dying a slow death. It only works when it is a comfortable temperature, and the comfort zone has gradually been getting narrower and narrower.

When I discovered it liked to be warm, I sat the DSL modem on top and later wrapped the two inside a T-Shirt. Now, on cold mornings, I would have to get it going with a hair dryer with the heat turned up.

As mentioned several days ago, I've been wanting to run more errands on the bike. So, during lunch today, I rode over to the Office Depot. There were a few clouds, but mostly sunny as I headed out. Before I made the last turn, the skies opened up and drenched me within seconds. I dashed over to the store so I could get inside. When I got there, I found the store had moved, but fortunately the rain stopped as quick as it started and the sun was out again. It was a two-minute squirt of rain.

As I headed back to the office (crossing the interstate on 14th Street in the map), I considered taking Spring Street back south, but there was a fair amount of lunch traffic so I continued over to Peachtree and took that back in.

Green Marker is start/stop of my trip which proceeded clockwise. Red Marker is where the old Office Depot used to be. The new Office Depot is on Spring at the 't' in "St.".

When I got back to my desk, I looked up the new location of the Office Depot and found if I had taken Spring, I would have gone directly past it. I made a big loop around the store that was 3 blocks away.

Commute Summary

Round Trip Distance: 17.5 including lunch loop
Number of Cyclists seen: Wasn't paying attention today
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH trail
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton and the other Office Depot
Weather: Mostly sunny except for the brief squirt of rain



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