Friday, May 09, 2008

2nd 1000 miles of 2008

My periodic assessment of my miles gives me an opportunity to see where I'm spending my time on the bike and to provide hard data for judging if I'm accomplishing what I want to accomplish.

The mileage chart shows good balance between commuting and weekend riding, but I could use some more errand miles.

One of the reasons I ride a bike is to "be the change I want to see in the world". People will see me running these errands and perhaps decide that they too can run errands on their bike. If I want more people to run errands on their bike, I need to make more trips.

The number of trips heavily favors commuting. I'm happy that most of the time I get on my bike, I'm making a trip to the office. When I count cyclists, most of the increase is coming from more bike commuters getting out on the roads, so I can think to myself that I'm part of that change in the world.



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