Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Establishing New Norms

Once you've immersed yourself in cycling, the old way of getting around seems so backward.

I guess if you have a convertible, you can get some feeling of what it is like to be outside with the wind pushing you around, the sounds of the birds in the trees, and the smell of blossoms in the air, but rolling the window down on a sedan just doesn't compare. And what if it starts to rain? Who wouldn't put the top up or roll up the window?

If I'm in a car, I still get the urge to take the back roads or to take detours, but I almost never do. Maybe I should give in to that urge more often and become more deeply immersed in that norm.

When I do take the car, I get this awful feeling thinking about the extra 3500 pounds of glass, rubber and steel I'm carrying around with me. I don't think that norm will leave me now that I know the alternatives.

Thinking as a cyclist instead of a motorist is one norm that has shifted for me. My mileage is another example of adjusting expectations.

This past month I rode 465.8 miles. I rode more miles in January and March and was disappointed I didn't ride more in April. If I look back however, I find that in the last three years, there are only 5 months where I rode more than 465.8 miles and two of those were when I rode on BRAG at 450 miles in a week. Compared to recent months, 465 isn't a lot, but looking back over the past 3 years, I see that I've gotten accustomed to this many miles in a month.

Will cycling become the norm? For many people, no, but as more people grow in their awareness of cycling, learn what cycling can do for them, and discover the sheer fun of cycling, their norms will shift.

Commute Summary

Round Trip Distance: 17.4
Number of Cyclists seen: 22 (1.3 per mile)
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH trail
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: Had to break out my jacket one more time, but still wearing shorts.



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