Report from the 8:17AM stop

This morning I rode with chainstretcher starting from Aurora Coffee in VaHi. The timing is a little bit of a squeeze for chainstretcher since he's trying to get to his office by 8:40 and there lies one of the challenges to the Bike Train. Not everyone has the same schedule.
This did not diminish the ride.
- We rode a little quicker and the cool morning allowed a good work rate without too much sweat.
- We ran across a couple other people we knew, but because of our schedule, did not ride with them.
- Spent some face-time with some folks we only know through the forums.
On the way home, I spotted Jeff by Candler Park while I was chatting with Barry who rides with us on Sundays.
Big changes require small steps. Today's steps look like they're pointed in the right direction.
Commute Summary
Round Trip Distance: 16.5
Number of Cyclists seen: 32 (14 in, 18 out)
In-bound Route: Wednesday Bike Train
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: low 60s inbound; mild outbound
Labels: bike-pool, bike-train, fun advocacy, recreational-commuting
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