Thursday, September 20, 2007

Cycling Dangerous?

Everyone knows cycling is dangerous, right? You can take this quiz to test your knowledge about the safety of cycling.

This past week I've had a couple of people remark about the crazies on the road and that I need to be careful. It's a great opportunity to point out that not only is it safer to ride a bike than drive a car, but I'm extending my life expectancy as well. As mentioned in this article, the years added to your life versus the years potentially lost is a 20 : 1 ratio. It's a safe bet that you're better off riding your bike.

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At 9/24/07, 3:12 PM, Blogger Apertome said...

There's some interesting trivia in that quiz. I take this (and all studies) with a grain of salt, but a lot of it seems reasonable and I agree ... cycling is not nearly as dangerous as a lot of people would have you believe.

At 9/24/07, 9:26 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Yes, a number of the studies are quick to point out their strengths and weaknesses. Having hard data and documenting how it was obtained is what science is about.

Generally, the comments from motorists about the risks of cycling are not based on good science. At least the quiz is able to reference the source of its statistics so you can follow up and make your own decision.

At 10/10/07, 9:41 AM, Blogger Michael Lemberger said...

I tell well-wishers that I simply ride as if everyone were out to kill me. Satisfies most.

At 10/10/07, 8:09 PM, Blogger Jett said...


That's an interesting bridge on the road from cautious fearfulness to alert mindfulness.

When I was growing up, I relished learning and re-telling facts that ran counter to common sense. I'll admit I'm still growing up.


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