Wednesday BikeTrain: Candler Park to Ga Tech
Here's the first fruit of a plant seeded back on back on Sep 7th. In a nutshell, I didn't want to wait until Bike-to-Work Day to ride into the office with other cyclists, so I published a route and invited others to join me.
The route below is an interactive map. Clicking on points within the map provide times we expect the bike train to be hitting those intersections. You can also zoom and move the map around by clicking and dragging.
To make this easier to follow, I've summarized the times below.

A few points about this route and how it works:
- Beginners are welcome. The more the merrier.
- This gets people on the Tech campus in time for 9AM classes. We hit Peachtree at 5th street at 8:42 AM.
- I ride every Wednesday, rain or shine. 19F in January wasn't too cold for me.
- The route is suitable for both in and out, but I've only got times listed for the inbound.
- You'll notice this route heads away from Midtown and over toward Emory to start. Most commuters would join in around Candler Park or so, but Aurora Coffee in VaHi is not a bad place to meet.
- You can join or leave our train at any spot.
- Traffic laws are obeyed. Safety and Courtesy are good for everyone.
- Leave a comment if you'd like to ride with us.
- For some history, the SBL Forum has a topic for this route, but again, current discussion can occur here using comments.
Labels: bike-commuting, bike-pool, bike-train, recreational-commuting
Sorry I didn't make the bike train this morning. I really wanted to but I got incredibly sunburnt this weekend at 6 Gap so I'm not riding yet. All movement is too painful. I'll try for next week.
Hey Lorna, there's some discussion about this route on the SBL Forum. You can reach the most recent topic at this post on SBL's Commuting Routes Forum. The discussion leading up to that post is found there as well.
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