Sweet Summer Sweat
I tried to take my time to avoid working up too much of a sweat. I paused to take photos. I took the hills easy. Didn't matter. I was dripping within 3 miles.
On my first hill, there was a rider in lycra taking his time on the hill. Within 15 seconds I could tell I was going to overtake him even with my easy pace.
"Good Morning!" I call out to let him know I was coming around.
"How ya doin'?" he replies back as I continue past him.
At the end of the road there is a light that I usually have to wait for but it was green. I scooted through and about that time the guy I had just greeted comes blowing by.
It wasn't right for a guy wearing business casual and carrying a rack, pannier with lock, backpack, and handlebar pack to pass an unburdened rider in a kit on that hill and he was setting things back in order.
Shady spot on the way back home:
Commute Summary
Round Trip Distance: 16.9
Number of Cyclists seen: 20
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: hot and humid; drained 24-ounce bottle within 25 minutes; wring out my shirt.
It's true, there's no way to avoid sweating in this heat.
But fortunately for us, we aren't afraid of a little sweat. Far too many people are. Their loss.
It would be sweet if sweat were to become fashionable. That's about the only way I could get in a fashion magazine or serve as a model.
Now, the smell of sour clothes might be a little tougher to address.
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