Saturday, July 07, 2007

Atlanta Cost of Living would be low if not for transportation costs

Atlanta has enjoyed an influx of jobs and residents because of its low cost of living. Housing prices are still lower than the national average, but a cost of living that doesn't get accurately reported is the cost of transportation. This article in our local paper describes some of the facts not accounted for:

  • When factoring housing and transportation, Atlanta is the second most expensive city in the US.
  • A third of most people's income is devoted to transportation costs.
  • Our average commute distance is 12 miles compared with an average of 9 for 27 other cities.

Atlanta is spread out. Fortunately, we live in the more dense part of town where the option to walk, ride a bike or take public transportation is more practical. This is a big reason why more people want to live where we do.


At 7/10/07, 5:29 PM, Blogger Apertome said...

That sounds like an interesting article -- unfortunately, the link is broken.

At 7/11/07, 8:27 AM, Blogger Jett said...

Thanks for pointing this out. I keep forgetting that our local paper only posts its articles for a short period of time and then once archived, you have to pay to be able to view them.

I'm going to have to stop posting links to their articles.


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