Sunday, June 24, 2007

Attempts at Filming while Riding

Here are a few movies I captured while riding with the Aurora Cycling group this morning. My photo-serving software doesn't understand movies, so I'm putting together this index. Links bring up AVI files.

In the one still I captured, we're chatting at Aurora Coffee before the start of the ride.

Route: We did a combination of the Six Flags/Log Cabin route and the Hollywood/Buckhead route. We followed the Six Flags route up to West Paces Ferry and Ridgewood and then followed Mt. Paran from the Buckhead route.

It was nice to get some hill work after a flat BRAG.

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At 6/28/07, 12:20 PM, Blogger Apertome said...

Cool videos -- were these taken with your regular digital camera? The resolution and video quality is very good. That sure is a long paceline in the first one!

At 6/28/07, 8:16 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Yes, the Canon PowerShot SD 700's video mode is sufficient to capture short clips. I've been having a lot of fun with it.

The paceline was riding single file because there was higher than usual traffic volume along Mt. Paran road that morning. We figured one of the local churches must have let out right as we came along. From the other clips, you can see we were usually more bunched up.


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