Saturday, October 03, 2009

Turning the Pancake volume "Up to Eleven"

We'll get to the pancakes, but this story starts out the night before. (I needed some tie-in with cycling in the streets of Intown Atlanta and this one is a stretch.)


The first Friday of the month is wine-tasting at our neighbors across the street. For most of us, it is really just wine drinking, but the few folks who actually know about wine aren't offended, and the food and company are always excellent.

My daughter Ansley is in eighth-grade at Inman, and she likes to bring a few of her friends to the wine-tasting. I guess it's cool to be at a "wine-tasting party" with your parents even though you can't drink any wine. Eight girls walked over to our house after school to leave their bookbags.

This same evening, there were a few other activities. The girls and my wife Beth headed to a cookout at the school. I got to go and ride bikes at an Art Party in Castleberry Hill called Le Flash. This was the destination for the Light Up the Night ride sponsored by the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition. Last year we saw the Speed Vest, but people really came out for this ride. (The weather was much warmer this year.)

Now that I've covered the cycling tie-in, we can proceed with the pancake story.

The girls usually spend the night at our house after the wine-tasting party, and I usually make pancakes when the girls get up the next morning. The pancakes get favorable reviews, but the head-liner at the Marks' household is the cream-cheese grits. (even before they filled my pannier one morning.)

Out of the eight girls that dropped off their bookbags, eleven of them spent the night, some I had never seen before. I've never turned the pancake volume up that high before, but I learned that I could go "one louder". Mine goes to 11.

Ride Summary

Round Trip Distance: 12.8
Number of Cyclists seen: More than 100 rode
Occasion: ABC's Light up the Night
Destination: Le Flash in Castleberry Hill (downtown's best-kept secret)
Weather: Magnifique! Lots of people out on the streets under a nearly full moon.
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At 10/4/09, 10:58 AM, Blogger CHSMusic said...

Hey, I got some pictures of the Light up the Night ride. You got more? Where're you gonna post them?

At 10/4/09, 8:27 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Hey Charles, Here's a link to a Picasa Web album:

At 10/6/09, 10:25 AM, Blogger CHSMusic said...

W00t! Thanks bro!


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