Monday, July 13, 2009

Cycling through Forest; sometimes over it

Atlanta has lots of trees for an urban area, and this greatly improves the cycling experience. The lure of deep forest has not quite yet enticed me to get an off-road bike. In part, this is because I can spend a lot of time amongst the trees even while riding my road bike.

Sometimes however, the trees impose on the roadway.

Sunday evening, the rain was so hard, winds were being kicked up by the volume of rain coming down. The thunderstorm pushed things around even more so there were a few trees down. Statistically, a lot of trees to knock down means a lot of trees will come down.

And so, we're riding not only through the forest, but sometimes over pieces of it.

Commute Summary

Round Trip Distance: 18.7
Pace: Recovering from Sunday's Recovery Ride which was to recover from Saturday's Ride.
Number of Cyclists seen: 19 total, 3 in AM, 16 coming home.
In-bound Route: Goofin' 9.6
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: Humid from the storm that came through the night before.

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