Monday, October 27, 2008

Where has this Journey brought me?


A: Finish this sentence: A journey of a thousand miles begins with ...
B: Um ... pumping up the tires?

This blog is my journey. In describing my commutes and bike rides, it is my travelogue. In exploring and photographing my surroundings, it is my expedition. In my efforts to inspire through action, it is my pilgrimmage.

Have I reached a destination?

  • I still need to get to work, so the commuting will continue.
  • There are still lots of roads to ride, so I'll keep on exploring.
  • Although lots of cyclists have joined ranks, there are still many more who could be riding.

One could say that this is a road to no where. What do I have to show for my wandering?

When I think of my journey as my destination, this is easy to answer:

  • I've been having a great time riding and writing about cycling. Sharing the fun has been its own reward.
  • I am stronger for my journey and ready to tackle steeper slopes and longer distances.
  • Good vibes have been passed along and strengthened making a small but growing part of our world a better place.

Thanks for being a part of my journey.



At 10/29/08, 11:44 PM, Blogger Apertome said...

Thanks for sharing your journey, so that we can be a part of it.

Sometimes I feel the same way: I can't quite explain what compels me to document these adventures, the sights I see and what I feel. But then I'll go back and read an old entry and think "Oh yeah, that was a great ride!" I have a poor memory, so I easily forget things. Having a record helps me remember, and also lets me see how my approach has changed over time.

At 10/30/08, 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks for sharing your journey and letting us ride alongside.


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