Thursday, September 25, 2008

Intown Atlanta Hill Documentation


I had mentioned in a recent post about one of my -- I really don't know a good word that describes it -- frivolous routes, that I wanted to show the hills better. Evan likes gmap, and Apertome mentioned that's elevation profile works pretty good (850 feet of climb on this route). What I'm after IS visual, but in a different way.

It's my DIY helmet cam. Duct tape is prominently featured, but this is pretty much a stiff metal base with a 1/4" thread bolt attached and then the whole thing is taped to a spare (if not somewhat out-dated) helmet. I'll have a tether attached in case of accidental detachment, but initial testing shows a low likelihood of this occurring.

I've practiced starting and stopping of recording without taking the helmet off and will be conducting road tests before long. Then we'll see some of Atlanta's hills as they are experienced.
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At 9/26/08, 2:35 PM, Blogger Apertome said...

Awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing how your videos turn out. I might try a similar setup, if it works well.


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