Monday, June 23, 2008

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

File this under fun: Take the Long Way to the Office.

I've mentioned before that I start my ride to the office by going in the opposite direction.

Instead of turning onto the road that would take me directly to my building/home, I go straight or even turn the opposite way. It's like I'm sneaking up on my prey.

I've got a puzzle where you try to take the ring off without breaking the chain. Sometimes you have to get the ring more tangled up before you can untangle it. To solve the puzzle, you move away before getting closer. One step back, two steps up.

On hikes, we would sometimes come across a stream too wide to step over but narrow enough to jump over. You take a few steps back to get up some momentum.

The direct route doesn't always deliver the best results. It's a dance step: one step back, two steps up.

Get on the bike and give up some convenience, but gain bigger rewards.

Commute Summary

Round Trip Distance: 17.4
Number of Cyclists seen: 17
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH trail
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: Warm, but not too warm. Most of the sweat resulted from carrying laptop on my back.



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