Sunday, March 02, 2008

Variety is the Spice of Cycling

Jack took us on a different route today. After riding in this town for nearly 30 years now, I'm still fascinated by the number of good riding roads I've never ridden.

I would love to have a picture for you, but I'll have to get you to imagine a sunny warm day with crisp shadows of pines dancing across a winding, rolling road with no traffic. Imagine an historic covered bridge, a single lane wide, 7 foot height restriction (don't stand up), and wooden planks for the wheels to ride on. Then imagine this bridge crosses a rocky stream nearly hidden by the trees about 40 feet below. That was our ride destination today.

We paid for the scenery however. The most direct route to the covered bridge takes you across a sharp ridge on the west side of the Chattahoochee River. You can pick between a lot of climbing stretched out over a mile or a lot of climbing stretched out over a third of a mile. We picked the "gradual" route up Veterans Parkway, but we still came through the neighborhood with no one outdoors that I wrote about last November.

Ride Summary

Distance: 49.7
Number of Cyclists seen: Mass quantities
Route: Six Flags with an extension over to Covered Bridge and Silver Comet (thank you Jack for the route, I wish I brought a camera)
Weather: Blessed sunlight -- everyone we met was in a good mood because of the weather

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At 3/3/08, 3:44 PM, Blogger Apertome said...

Wow, that sounds like a beautiful route indeed. I remember your photos from November ... stunning. I got some good riding in over the weekend. of course now everything's wet and miserable and about to get cold again, but that taste of spring was great.

At 3/5/08, 10:55 PM, Blogger Jett said...

One thing I like about Atlanta is we get spring days in the middle of winter. Now, it would be nice to get a cool day during the summer, but the current arrangement is suiting me fine. I'm getting more miles this winter than I did last winter.

I will be bringing a camera next time. Now that I know how easy it is to get to the Covered Bridge from the Silver Comet trail, I'll be sure to make the short detour to get there from the Silver Comet.


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