Monday, December 31, 2007


The holidays are usually a quiet time for me. A few days off from work allow me to look back at the past year, and to reflect upon where I am and where I'd like to go.

I've still got a smile on my face about the number of cyclists I'm seeing on the roads. Rec cyclists are out in greater numbers, but the number of commuters noticeably strong. It's hard to find words to describe how dedicated (some might say addicted) these cyclists are to keeping the bike-commuting faith.

Throughout the past year, I've been getting more involved with our local advocacy groups. There is much work to be done, but that just means it will be easier to recognize improvements.

Year-round Bike to Work Days are off to a slow start, but the coming Spring will be a better time for this. Thanks to everyone who has joined me during our commutes. Building a greater sense of cycling community has been a bright spot in my life.

I'm excited about getting kids out on rides with us. Many riders from our Aurora group have school-age kids, so it makes sense to share the fun with the next generation.

I've ridden more miles to more places with more cyclists than any other year. I look forward to another year of more cycling.


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