Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Hooky-Deprived Childhood

I was a straight kid in High School. When others were skipping class, I was sitting right in front of the teacher. As you might expect, this led to many repressed desires:
- going places just for the fun of it
- escaping outdoors, especially someplace new
- smiling at people I didn't know
- coming up with excuses for being late
- Spring Fever in December (could be the 72 degree weather, though)

It was tough for me to acknowledge, but I experienced a hooky-deprived childhood.

Fortunately, there are therapeutic programs for the hooky-deprived. One program that has worked for me is called "Ride your Bike to Work".

This therapy program channels the pent up hooky energy into meaningful and productive activity. Consider the benefits of satisfying your hooky urges by riding a bike to work:
- You'd never realize you're not just playing around
- You get to go places you don't normally go
- At a cyclists pace, you can greet and chat with neighbors and fellow commuters
- You get to be outdoors when everyone else is inside of a box (people with convertibles are excepted, but that hooky therapy is not as cost effective).
- You'll have interesting stories to tell once you get to the office.
- And then there's the side effects: exercise, improved air quality, cost savings, congestion reduction, mood improvement.

Tell them Cycle Man recommended that you ride your bike to work.



At 4/17/08, 3:22 PM, Blogger AMIE said...

I just *KNEW* there was a label for me in the Atlanta Bike Scene!!! I love it- **I am a Recreational Commuter**

FUN! Love the blog!

At 4/18/08, 8:28 AM, Blogger Jett said...

Hey Amie, there are lots of Recreational Commuters in Atlanta. I'd like for more rec riders to join the bike commuters. The fun doesn't stop just because you happen to be going to work.

I like your blog as well. You have enough cycling posts that I'm adding you to my list of local bike blogs.


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