Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Chipping away at Cyclists Rights

A local blog named Bike Cobb reports on two cyclists who have been warned about riding two abreast on suburban Atlanta's Columns Drive. They've recently passed an ordinance that restricts cyclists to single file along this popular training route and we're starting to see enforcement upon the request of homeowners along this road.

I could feel my outrage rising as I read this post, but then considered what would be the response of the homeowners if we continued to be confrontational. Will we re-inforce the misconceptions and cast aside an opportunity for further education concerning proper etiquette -- both for motorists and cyclists.

Different things motivate people to action. It's hard for me to draw a line between getting people fired up enough to do something, and maintaining a cool enough head to not make things worse. I'm interested to hear other's opinions.

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