April 10th Commute

Round Trip Distance: 14.4
Number of Cyclists seen: 15
Route: Lullwater/PATH trail
Images on the Way In
The top photo was taken on Lullwater. It runs between lovely estates on the right and the Druid Hills Golf Course on the left.

This left-hand shot is on the PATH trail at the NE corner of the Candler Park Golf Course. The golf course is across the bridge on the left in this image. The right-hand image is looking the other direction along the path to the East. I love the dappled sunlight.
The PATH trail goes by the Carter Center and then by the MLK Center. This last photo is a simple sculpture of the civil rights leader against the downtown skyline.
As I was setting up for this photo, a handicapped man was trying to cross the busy intersection behind me and to the right. He was having trouble getting all the way across before the light changed. Much of the traffic politely stopped, but some motorists a few cars back couldn't see what was going on and were laying on their horn. If these people didn't have their windows rolled up (it was a nice day; my windows were all the way down), it wouldn't have been so easy for them to ignore my attempts to let them know there was no reason to be upset. Alas, suffering remains.

Labels: bike-commuting, citycycling
My wife is down your way, visiting #2 son. He lives very close to Emory U. The weather looks to be just like New England's today.
You may be able to tell from the linked route map that this commuting routes takes me within a few hundred yards of Emory. I sometimes see cyclists in scrubs heading to Emory along Lullwater (first image). He's probably within 2-3 miles of my house.
Great photos! Things sure are looking green there. I need to get better about taking photos ... the only real problem being that often, I just don't feel like stopping!
Apertome, I know what you mean. The way I've reconciled my struggle with stopping or not has been to plan that I will be stopping. I usually do this on my way into the office for a few reasons: 1) reduced sweat, 2) morning light is nice, and 3) going into the office is more fun to take slowly.
When I'm riding on a group ride, forget it. I'm working out my salvation. You won't find me posting many photos from my group rides.
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