Monday, January 29, 2007

Letter to Editor - AJC

Columns Drive ... fine the way it is

As a homeowner and cyclist who lives on Columns Drive, I am deeply
saddened by the current controversy regarding cyclists there and want
to clear up some misperceptions ("Cobb cyclists may face 'cruising'
law," Metro, Jan. 24).

My Columns Drive is a road where people pass you saying "Beautiful
day!" —- amazed at the luck of a warm day in January. Nearly every day
waiting for the school bus with my first-grader, the same three
cyclists whiz by yet still yell out "morning." Every week athletes in
wheelchairs ride past my house turning something ordinary into
something extraordinary. People nearly twice my age, ride up next to
me, ask me how's it going, then pass me, leaving a smile on my face.

Sure, you'll occasionally encounter the rude cyclist, runner, dog
walker or motorist; but all in all, Columns Drive is no ordinary
street in an ordinary subdivision, and I wouldn't have it any other way.




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