Why I feel SO Good
There is nothing that makes me feel as good as exercising. Well, a few things, but exercising is right up there at the top. Now I know a few more technical terms explaining why my brain likes exercise.
John Ratey, the author of the book "Spark" talks with an LA Times reporter in the article "Exercise is good for the Brain". Not only does exercise make the brain work better and release "feel good" neurotransmitters, but it can delay the onset of cognitive decline.
I often think my cognitive decline has already started, but it could just be my mind is slipping and fooling me into thinking that.
The "linchpin" of this research is a chemical called "brain-derived neurotrophic factor" (BDNF). This is what helps the brain make new neural connections and exercise releases BDNF. I'm going to be needing that stuff when I'm 94 and I'm down to my last six brain cells.
There's more in this article too: exercise treats depression, attention deficit disorders, and helps us avoid cravings except maybe for food. I don't mind craving food because I like food about the same as exercise.
Thanks go to Two Tom for sharing this article with me.
"I feel good. I knew that I would." -- James Brown
Commute Summary
Round Trip Distance: 17.6
Number of Cyclists seen: 5 inbound and 19 coming home
In-bound Route: Lullwater/PATH trail
Out-bound Route: Emory via Clifton
Weather: Chilly in AM, but warm enough for shorts and a T coming home.
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