Thursday, February 21, 2008

Safety Quiz - When to wear Helmet

This is one of the questions for the Safety Quiz I'm looking for help with. Please add your own answers that turn up the humor and thought-provocation knobs.

Question: When should the helmet be worn?
A Correct Answer: Anytime you are on the bike.
Incorrect Answers:

  • Only if you're accident prone.
  • Whenever riding through a rough neighborhood.
  • Only at night.
  • After the third trip to the emergency room.
  • When it is raining and the roads are slippery.
  • As long as it doesn't mess up your hair.
  • Depends on whether or not everyone else is wearing theirs.
  • Only when riding on the street.



At 2/21/08, 8:02 PM, Blogger Dan said...

During a hailstorm

Before taking the last cookie from the jar

At 2/21/08, 10:22 PM, Blogger BarryHall said...

Hey Jett...thought I'd check in and say "hey" with some answers...

Just before impact.

Helmets are for sissies.

Depends on how slippery the shower is.

When your golf-cart driving buddies are rather “three-sheets.”

At 2/22/08, 5:35 AM, Blogger Pete LaVerghetta said...

The helmet should never be worn. It should always be in good repair.

At 2/22/08, 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you're in the car driving to a nice off-road trail.

At 2/24/08, 10:39 PM, Blogger Jett said...

Dan, the 11-year-old crowd appreciates both the hailstorm and cookie jar answers. Makes me think of other semi-devious acts that might not escape the wrath of siblings or parents.

Barry, you've got the terse version of "You should keep the helmet on your handlebars in case of an emergency. When you see a nasty accident coming up, pop it on, buckle the strap (you would have made sure it was adjusted earlier), and then you can just relax."

fixedgear: They say you shouldn't use a helmet if it is damaged and it would certainly get damaged if you happened to be wearing it when you get run over.

What if people started wearing helmets inside the car?


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